Full name
Phone number
Email address
Postal Code
WeekWeekendAMPMEveningNo preference
FrenchEnglishOther, specify:
How did you hear about SPCA Roussillon?
What do you know about the mission of the SPCA Roussillon?
What reasons motivate you to get involved with our organization?
Hours per month:
3 months6 months1 yearI don't know
Monday AMMonday PMTuesday AMTuesday PMWednesday AMWednesday PMThursday AMThursday PMFriday AMFriday PMSaturday AMSaturday PMSunday AMSunday PM
YesNoIt depends
Do you have experience with animals? Explain:
Organization of special events (adoption clinics, fairs, etc.)Organization of fundraisersGraphic DesignSocialization of animals and cleaning of the shelterWalking dogs (mandatory training at the shelter)Animal transport (Montreal area)Animal transport (long distance, for example Estrie, Ontario)Help out the adoption team (exotic animals)Other, specify:
One or two persons we can contact as references (Name, phone number and their relation to you):
One person we can contact in case of emergency (Name, phone number and their relation to you):
Do you have questions for us?
By submitting this application to become a volunteer, you certify that the information transmitted is true and founded. The SPCA Roussillon team reserves the right to reject any volunteer request at its discretion.