Together we can save these 32 cats

Our shelter recently took in 32 sick cats who needed to be rescued from dire living conditions. These 4 adult cats and 28 kittens all have eye and respiratory infections that must be treated to save them.

The following care is required for each of them:


Base vaccines and dewormers


Sterilization (average price male-female)


Kitten food for 1 month


Treatments for conjunctivitis and rhinotracheitis for 2 weeks (if no complications)


At least 5 of them will need to undergo enucleations due to the severity of the infection (surgery to remove the eye)

Your donations are essential

We took in these cats to help out another shelter. Fortunately, we had some available space and our medical team on site to care for them. Your donations are the only funding we receive for this rescue mission. Our mission is to provide them treatment quickly to make sure they are comfortable until they are healthy and ready for adoption!